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Vol.51, No.4, 307 ~ 316, 2013
Effect of Beta Stabilizer Content on Young`s Moduli of Titanium Alloys with Similar Electronic States
유가영 Ga Young Yoo , 박찬희 Chan Hee Park , 홍재근 Jae Keun Hong , 김승언 Seong Eun Kim , 강남현 Seong Eun Kim , 염종택 Jong Taek Yeom
Previously, Gum Metal (Ti-24(Nb + Ta + V)-(Zr, Hf)-O (at%)) exhibiting an ultralow Young`s modulus, ultrahigh strength and super elasticity was developed by Saito et al., who proposed that three electronic magic numbers, an average electron/atom (e/a) ratio of 4.24, an average bond order (Bo) of about 2.87, and an average “d” electron-orbital energy level (Md) of about 2.45 eV, should be satisfied simultaneously to obtain such “super” properties. The purpose of this study was to find new alloy systems possessing those properties and to examine the effect of beta equivalent content ([Mo]eq) on Young`s moduli of new alloys having the same three electronic numbers mentioned above. It was found that not only three electronic numbers but also [Mo]eq should be considered to obtain a similar Young`s modulus and hardness with respect to the Gum Metal.
Key Words
alloys, cold working, mechanical properties, ultrasonics, DV-Xa method
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