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Vol.51, No.9, 665 ~ 671, 2013
Fabrication of Silver Nanorods Using a Porous AAO Template by an Ink-Jet Printing Process
정봉용 Bong Yong Jeong , 정은혜 Eun Hye Jung , 최진섭 Jin Sub Choi , 김지훈 Ji Hoon Kim , 이진형 Jin Hyung Lee , 장정호 Jeong Ho Chang , 이종무 Chong Mu Lee
Silver nanorods were fabricated using a porous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template by an ink-jet printing process. The highly arrayed AAO template was prepared to infiltrate silver nano particles by an anodization method. The ink-jet printing unit is equipped with a piezoelectric nozzle with a 50 um orifice from Microfab technology. The morphology and crystal structure of the silver nanorods were confirmed by field emission scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction pattern, respectively. The diameter of the silver nanorods was about 60 nm, which was consistent with that the diameter distribution of the AAO template.
Key Words
nanorods, AAO, porous alumina, nano ink, ink jet printing, anodizing
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