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Vol.51, No.12, 921 ~ 929, 2013
Deformation Behavior of TiC-Mo Composites at High Temperature by Compression Test
Soon Gi Shin
In order to investigate the deformation behavior of TiC-(5-15) mol% Mo composites at high temperature, crystals of various compositions were grown by the radio frequency (r.f.) floating zone melt technique and were deformed by compression test at temperatures from 1273 to 2273 K and at strain rates from 4.9 × 10.5 to 6.9 × 10.3 s.1. The plastic flow behavior was found to be different among three temperatures ranges (low, intermediate and high) whose boundaries were dependent on the strain rate. From the observed behavior, it is inferred that the deformation in the low temperature range is controlled by the Peierls mechanism, in the intermediate temperature range by the dynamic strain aging and in the high temperature range by the solute-atmosphere-drag mechanism.
Key Words
composites, deformation, strain rale, compression test, TiC, Mo
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