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Vol.52, No.4, 299 ~ 307, 2014
Computational Validation of Gas Dynamic Behavior as a function of the Protrusion length and air gap size
권의혁 Eui Hyuk Kwon , 정훈제 Hun Je Jung , 장경수 Kyoung Soo Jang , 구용모 Yong Mo Koo , 한정환 Jeong Whan Han
The optimization of the gas atomization for particle size control and optimal energy efficiency cannot be achieved simply, due to the lack of understanding of the basic atomization process. A numerical analysis is performed in order to optimize the manufacturing process and to understand the behavior of the gas at the end of the nozzle. In this study, the gas flow is analyzed numerically using a computational fluid dynamics software package (Fluent). It is found that a protrusion length of 3 mm is optimal for nozzles with a quick gas velocity and stable aspiration pressure. In addition, the impact on the air gap size is also investigated.
Key Words
Metals, Numerical simulation, Gas atomization, Nozzle design
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