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Vol.52, No.6, 445 ~ 451, 2014
Chemical Model for Solvent Extraction Equilibrium of Mn(II) by Cyanex 272 from Chloride Solutions
Nagaphani Kumar Batchu , Bo Eun Kim , Man Seung Lee
Solvent extraction equilibrium of manganese(II) using Cyanex 272 dissolved in kerosene was studied from chloride solutions. Distribution ratio data was collected in order to estimate the extraction equilibrium constant. A slope analysis method was used to verify the solvent extraction reaction. The equilibrium constant for the solvent extraction reaction was estimated by taking into account the complex formation reactions between Mn(II) and chloride ion and mass balance equations. The activity coefficients of species in the aqueous phase were estimated by applying the Bromley equation. A comparison was made between the calculated distribution ratios of Mn(II) and the experimentally measured values. Finally, a chemical model was successfully applied for the estimation of the equilibrium constant. (Received October 1, 2013)
Key Words
Manganese(II), Cyanex 272, Chloride solutions, Equilibrium constant, Bromley equation
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