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Vol.52, No.9, 731 ~ 738, 2014
Studies on Quantitative Estimation of Hot Forgeability by using Deformation Processing Map
길태동 Tae Dong Kil , 한상욱 Sang Wook Han , 문영훈 Young Hoon Moon
Studies on quantitative forgeability estimation using a deformation processing map was performed to analyze the hot deformation characteristics of SAF2205 duplex stainless steel. To develop the deformation processing map, a dynamic materials model was used on the basis of stress-strain relationships from a Gleeble compression test. As a quantitative forgeability index, the summation of ηi (efficiency of power dissipation for the i-th unit deformation volume) multiplied by the unit deformation volume (Vi) for the whole number of unit deformation volume (n) is suggested. The respective η-values for unit deformation volume can be determined from the deformation processing map for which the temperature and strain rate during the hot forging process can be obtained by tracing the variations of the temperature and strain rate of finite element analysis. To validate this study, finite element analysis at various forging geometries and temperatures was performed. The results show that the proposed quantitative index provide a reliable guide for the design of a hot forging process. (Received November 28, 2013)
Key Words
metals, thermomechanical processing, mechanical properties, compression test, deformation processing map
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