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Vol.52, No.11, 881 ~ 892, 2014
Review Paper : Influence of annealing on the interface-correlated mechanical properties of a Ti,STS clad sheet
조유미 Yu Mi Jo , 이광석 Kwang Seok Lee , 강남현 Nam Hyun Kang , 이영선 Young Seon Lee
We investigated effects of annealing conditions on the interface-correlated microstructural evolution and subsequent mechanical properties of a Ti/STS439 clad sheet. The evolution of the interface microstructure was first analyzed with optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The generation and growth of a diffusive layer consisted of μm-scale β- Ti adjacent to the parent Ti, and the nm-scale intermetallic compounds Fe2Ti and FeTi adjacent to STS phases were indexed. The thicknesses of β-Ti, Fe2Ti, and FeTi increased with annealing time and temperature. Mechanical properties were evaluated by peel, microindentation and uniaxial tensile tests. Improvement of bonding strength between Ti and STS by feasible annealing below 650 ℃ seemed to be strongly related to the generation of considerable metallurgical bonding. (Received March 7, 2014)
Key Words
composites, rolling, interfaces, scanning electron microscopy, SEM, mechanical properties
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