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Vol.52, No.12, 1017 ~ 1024, 2014
Defects and Electrical Properties of ZnO-Co3O4-Cr2O3 with Sintering Temperature
홍연우 Youn Woo Hong , 김유비 You Bi Kim , 이영진 Young Jin Lee , 김세기 Sei Ki Kim , 백종우 Jong Hoo Paik , 조만호 Man Ho Jo
The defects and origin of the good varistor properties in the ZnO-Co3O4-Cr2O3 system were investigated by admittance spectroscopy, I-V characteristics, and impedance and modulus spectroscopy. Two kinds of defects were detected, but (0.27 eV) was identified as a major donor level by admittance spectroscopy. The ZnO grain resistivity of ~0.4 Ωcm was calculated but somewhat increased with sintering temperature. J-E characteristics with varistor behavior was seen in this system while the nonlinear coefficient α changed from 9 to 92 with sintering temperature. The single potential barrier of 0.64-1.01 eV at the grain boundary region was confirmed by impedance and modulus spectroscopy. The origin of a good varistor behavior in ZnO-Co3O4-Cr2O3 would be due to the formation and stabilization of a double Schottky barrier by the redox reaction of Co ions and the existence of small Cr ions in the grain boundaries.
Key Words
electronic materials, ZnO varistor, sintering, defects, grain boundary
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