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Vol.53, No.9, 637 ~ 642, 2015
Leaching of Rare Earth Metals from Manganese Nodule by HCl Solution
박경호 Kyung Ho Park , 남철우 Chul Woo Nam , 김현호 Hyun Ho Kim , 박진태 Jin Tae Park
Leaching of rare earth metals (REEs) from the polymetallic manganese nodule was carried out using HCl solution. The leaching behavior of all REEs except Ce was very similar. The leaching efficiency of Ce was lower than that of other REEs due to poor solubility. Concentration of HCl was identified as a critical factor that enhanced the dissolution of REEs, and REEs were completely leached at 4.0 N HCl. The dissolutions of REEs and iron with different HCl concentrations indicated that half of the REEs are likely to exist in iron oxide phase with the remainder occurring in a different phase. Effective leaching, about 40.0 %, of total REEs was observed at a HCl concentration of 0.5 N, a time of 1 h and a temperature of 30 ℃ with low dissolution of other base metals.
Key Words
manganese nodule, metals, recycling, recovery
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