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Vol.53, No.12, 859 ~ 867, 2015
Oxidation of High Mn TWIP Steels in Reheating Furnace Conditions
이동복 Dong Bok Lee , Poonam Yadav
High Mn TWIP steels were oxidized at 1150-1250℃ for up to 2h in 85%N2-10%CO2-5%O2 gas to determine their oxidation behavior in the reheating furnace. They oxidized fast to form thick, nonadherent oxide scales and the internal oxidation zone. The oxide scales consisted primarily of FeO, Fe2O3, MnO, MnAl2O4, and FeMn2O4, indicating that Mn, Fe, and Al were the dominant oxidizing species. They grew primarily through the outward diffusion of cations. Internal oxides formed intra- and inter-granularly through the inward diffusion of oxygen ions. They consisted of oxides of Mn, Fe, Al, Si, Cr and Cr.
Key Words
metals, casting, oxidation, scanning electron microscopy, SEM, high Mn TWIP steel
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