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Vol.54, No.3, 154 ~ 164, 2016
Effect of Short Range Ordering Reaction and Ordering Treatment on Microstructure in 316L Stainless Steel
김성수 Sungsoo Kim , 강석훈 Suk Hoon Kang , 김영석 Young Suk Kim
The short range ordering (SRO) reaction is investigated in 316L stainless steel through differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) using thermo-mechanically treated specimens. It is interpreted that the exothermic reaction and the endothermic reaction during DSC analysis are due to the ordering and disordering, respectively. The activation energy for the exothermic reaction is determined to be 234 kJ/mol. This suggests that the exothermic reaction is governed by substitutional diffusion. It supports that the nature of the exothermic reaction is the SRO reaction. The cold work affects the kinetics of SRO significantly and shifts the SRO region from 500-570 ℃ to 200-600 ℃. The exothermic energy due to the SRO reaction increases with the amount of cold work. The fact that the SRO is an unavoidable reaction below 570 ℃ is very important.
Key Words
316L stainless steel, thermal analysis, ordering reaction, exothermic reaction, kinetics of ordering, activation energy for ordering
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