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Vol.54, No.3, 171 ~ 180, 2016
Effect of Combination Milling on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ferritic Oxide Dispersion-Strengthened Steels
설재복 Jae-bok Seol , 김경민 Kyong Min Kim , 김정한 Jeoung Han Kim
A novel approach is established to produce oxide dispersion-strengthened steels with a fine distribution of oxide nanoparticles. This approach involves cryo-milling followed by ball-milling at room temperature. This complementary milling technique allows such steels to exhibit a remarkable combination of strength and ductility. Based on our experimental findings, the associated microstructural factor contributing to the strength is likely to be Y-Ti-O complex oxide particles. On the other hand, an additional milling process performed at room temperature is not effective with regard to deformationinduced sintering. Therefore, it is concluded that milling at room temperature after cryo-milling does not improve the tensile ductility of oxide dispersion-strengthened steels.
Key Words
oxide dispersion strengthened, mechanical alloying, oxide particles, cryomilling
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