
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.54, No.4, 231 ~ 237, 2016
Obtaining Reliable True Plastic Stress-Strain Curves in a Wide Range of Strains Using Digital Image Correlation in Tensile Testing
Jae Ik Yoon , Jung Gi Kim , Jai Myun Jung , Dong Jun Lee , Hyeok Jae Jeong , Mehrdad Shahbaz , Sunghak Lee , Hyoung Seop Kim
In order to significantly extend the limit of the measurable strain range to obtain true stress-strain curves of materials using tensile testing, digital image correlation is used to measure local strains. In this study, a method to measure reliable true stress-strain curves in a wide range of strains covering the post-necking stage with reducing gage lengths has been investigated. In tensile testing, by decreasing the gage length for the strain measurements, not only accurate true strain but also reliable true stress can be obtained until sample fractures. This experimental method for accurate true stress-strain measurements is verified by comparing the experimental results and the finite element method simulated load-displacement curve, geometries, and strain distributions. The new method can be used to easily obtain the measurement of accurate and extended true stress-strain curves, which can assist in experimental and theoretical investigations of the mechanical behavior of materials. This simple method has shed new light on the measurement of the mechanical properties of materials for both experimentalists and simulation engineers, who need a wide range of true stress-strain curves.
Key Words
metals, deformation, mechanical properties, tensile test, digital image correlation
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