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Vol.54, No.4, 275 ~ 283, 2016
Synthesis and Magnetocaloric Effect of HoN Particles as Magnetic Refrigerant in Cryogenic Temperature by Microwave-Assisted Sol-Gel Method
안종빈 Jong Bin Ahn , 김동수 Dongsoo Kim , 윤석영 Seog Young Yoon , 최철진 Chuljin Choi
Rare-earth (RE) mono-nitrides can be used as magnetocaloric materials for the magnetic refrigerant for liquefying hydrogen. In this study, holmium nitride (HoN) particles were prepared by sol-gel method with microwave irradiation. HoN particles were successfully synthesized by 2-step heat treatment in N2 atmosphere form gel-type intermediate by microwave irradiation. X-ray diffraction patterns of the synthesized HoN particles exhibited the six sharp peaks in good agreement with each plane of crystallographic structure of HoN. Especially, the synthesized HoN particles reveal a high magnetic entropy change (△Sm) of 36.6 J/kgK in applied field of 5T at 14.2 K which is comparable with those of rare earth mono-nitrides by carbothermic reduction method or plasma arc discharge technique.
Key Words
ceramics, chemical synthesis, magnetic properties, thermal analysis, microwave chemistry, magnetocaloric effect
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