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Vol.54, No.4, 283 ~ 288, 2016
Thermal Annealing of a Zn Seed Layer on Quartz, and its Effect on the Structural and Optical Properties of Spin-coated ZnO Thin Films
Seonhee Park , Jae Young Leem
ZnO thin films were spin-coated onto a Zn seed layer that was deposited on a quartz substrate by thermal evaporation. This was found to enhance the structural and optical properties of the resulting ZnO thin film, with a particular improvement in its optical transmittance. Furthermore, by varying the temperature at which the Zn seed layer was thermally annealed, a temperature of 100℃ was identified as being optimal to ensure a maximum increase in the crystallinity and optical properties of a ZnO thin film. On the basis of these results, it is proposed that the use of a thermally annealed Zn seed layer is an effective means of achieving high-quality ZnO thin films.
Key Words
zinc oxide, optical materials, sol-gel, x-ray diffraction, optical properties
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