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Vol.54, No.11, 831 ~ 838, 2016
Effects of Friction and Anvil Design on Plastic Deformation during the Compression Stage of High-Pressure Torsion
Yuepeng Song , Miaomiao Chen , Baoyan Xu , Dongsheng Gao , Jing Guo , Lingfeng Xu , Zheng Wang , Hyoung Seop Kim
Herein, we report the results of our investigation on the effect of friction and anvil design on the heterogeneous plastic-deformation characteristics of copper during the compressive stage of high-pressure torsion (HPT), using the finite element method. The results indicate that the friction and anvil geometry play important roles in the homogeneity of the deformation. These variables affect the heterogeneous level of strain in the HPT compressed disks, as well as the flash in the disk edge region. The heterogeneous plastic deformation of the disks becomes more severe with the increasing depth of the cavity, as anvil angle and friction coefficient increase. However, the homogeneity increases with increases in the wall angle. The length of flash and the area of the dead metal zone increase with the depth of the cavity, while they decrease at a wall angle of 180°. (Received March 17, 2016; Accepted May 25, 2016)
Key Words
high pressure torsion, copper, deformation, finite element analysis, anvil structure
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