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Vol.55, No.1, 31 ~ 39, 2017
Separation of Rhenium(VII) and Vanadium(V) from concentrated HCl solution by solvent extraction with Alamine 336 and LIX 63
백지원 Ji-won Baek , 이만승 Man-seung Lee
Solvent extraction experiments were performed with Re(VII) and V(V) from concentrated HCl solutions. In this work, Alamine 336 and LIX 63 were employed as the basic and cationic extractants. At an HCl concentration range from 1 to 5 M, Re(VII) was selectively extracted by Alamine 336, while V(V) was selectively extracted by LIX 63. A low HCl concentration was favorable for separating the two metals by solvent extraction. Although an alkaline solution can completely strip both Re(VII) and V(V) from loaded Alamine 336 and LIX 63, it was difficult to separate the two metals by stripping. However, it was found that an HCl solution could selectively strip the metal with a low extraction percentage from the loaded Alamine 336 and LIX 63, and thus separation of the two metals was achieved. Our data can be utilized to develop a process for separating Re(VII) and V(V) from concentrated HCl solutions. (Received July 18, 2016; Accepted August 7, 2016)
Key Words
Rhenium, Vanadium, solvent extraction, Alamine336, LIX63
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