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Vol.55, No.5, 342 ~ 348, 2017
High-strength Ti Alloy Prepared via Promoting Interstitial-Carbon Diffusion
김보영 Bo-young Kim , 고세현 Se-hyun Ko , 이재철 Jae-chul Lee
Feasibility studies are performed to determine the suitability of a novel simple synthesis technique for fabricating a new Ti alloy with improved strength and ductility, while exhibiting lower cell toxicity. Through consolidating pure Ti powders under a C atmosphere at elevated temperatures, a bulk form of the Ti alloy, in which a quantifiable amount of C is dissolved, is synthesized. While the alloy is free from toxic elements such as Al and V, the strength and ductility of the developed alloy are comparable to, or better than, those of its commercial Ti-6Al-4V alloy counterpart. In this study, the method to design the alloy, its synthesis, and the resultant properties are reported. (Received September 7, 2016; Accepted October 24, 2016)
Key Words
diffusion, solid solution, powder metallurgy, titanium alloy, mechanical properties
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