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Vol.55, No.6, 405 ~ 412, 2017
Solvent Extraction of Tungsten(VI) from Moderate Hydrochloric Acid Solutions with LIX 63
Hoai Thanh Truong , Yong Hwan Kim , Man Seung Lee
The solvent extraction of tungsten(VI) from hydrochloric acid solutions using 5,8-diethyl- 7-hydroxydodecan-6-one oxime (LIX 63) was analyzed in solutions having an initial pH range from 2 to 5, by varying the concentration of metal and extractant. In our experimental range, the cationic exchange reaction as well as the solvation reaction occurred simultaneously. The cation exchange reaction was identified by applying a slope analysis method to the extraction data. The existence of cationic tungsten(VI) species was confirmed by ion exchange experiments with Diphonix resin at pH 3. Further study is needed to identify the nature of this tungsten cationic species. (Received November 23, 2016; Accepted January 10, 2017)
Key Words
solvent extraction, ion exchange, tungsten, hydrochloric acid, LIX 63
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