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Vol.56, No.9, 680 ~ 686, 2018
Effects of Annealing on Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Si-Al Flakes
Pyungwoo Jang
This study elucidates the effects of annealing on the properties of Fe-Si-Al flakes. The changes of the DO3 phase, the lattice parameter and the grain size of the flakes were analyzed by X-ray peak broadening and shift. Static magnetic properties, namely, coericivity and saturation magnetization, were analyzed by a vibration sample magnetometer (VSM). The complex permeability spectra were measured by a precision impedance analyzer. The cocercivity and the real part of the complex permeability had the lowest and highest values after 1023 K annealing. The change in the magnetic properties with annealing temperature is successfully explained by relief of residual stress and the formation of DO3 and B2 ordered phases. (Received July 5, 2018; Accepted July 25, 2018)
Key Words
Fe-Si-Al flake, DO3 hase, residual stress, complex permeability
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