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Vol.56, No.10, 718 ~ 727, 2018
Effect of MgO Addition on the Monoclinic to Tetragonal Transition of ZrO2 Fabricated by High Energy Ball Milling
Ashutosh Sharma , Byungmin Ahn
In this work, we studied the formation of partially stabilized zirconia by a high energy ball milling (HEBM) approach. Zirconia powder was mixed with 8 mol% MgO and the powder mixture was milled for 10 hours. The structural and morphological evolutions of the powder particles were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. The Williamson-Hall method was used to calculate the crystallite size of the zirconia powder particles. The results show that the tetragonal zirconia phase (t-ZrO2) can be very well stabilized after the addition of 8 mol% MgO. The formation of t-ZrO2 was identified by XRD analysis after 3 hours of ball milling. In addition, SEM results demonstrated a great refinement in the size of the ZrO2 particles whose distribution was in the sub-μm to nm range indicating better microstructural characteristics. (Received July 18, 2018; Accepted August 16, 2018)
Key Words
ball mill, zirconia, microstructure, ceramics, crystallite size, strain
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