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Vol.56, No.11, 829 ~ 835, 2018
Hydrogenation Properties of MgH2-CaO Composites Synthesized by Hydrogen-Induced Mechanical Alloying
Min Gyeom Kim , Jeong-heum Han , Young-hwan Lee , Jong-tae Son , Tae Whan Hong
Although magnesium-based alloys are attractive materials for hydrogen storage applications, their activation properties, hydrogenation/dehydrogenation kinetics, thermodynamic equilibrium parameters, and degradation characteristics must be improved for practical applications. Further, magnesium poses several risks, including explosion hazard, environmental pollution, insufficient formability, and industrial damage. To overcome these problems, CaO-added Mg alloys, also called Eco-Mg (environment-conscious Mg) alloys, have been developed. In this study, Eco-MgHx composites were fabricated from Mg-CaO chips by hydrogen-induced mechanical alloying in a high-pressure atmosphere. The balls-to-chips mass ratio (BCR) was varied between a low and high value. The particles obtained were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the absorbed hydrogen was quantified by thermogravimetric analysis. The XRD results revealed that the MgH2 peaks broadened for the high BCR. Further, PSA results revealed particles size were decreased from 52 μm to 15 μm. (Received August 16, 2018; Accepted October 2, 2018)
Key Words
magnesium hydride, hydrogen storage, mechanical alloying, kinetics
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