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Vol.57, No.3, 146 ~ 154, 2019
Removal of Iron from Ilmenite Through Selective Chlorination Using Coke and Cl2 Gas
이소영 So-yeong Lee , 박성훈 Sung-hun Park , 손호상 Ho-sang Sohn
This study on the chlorination of ilmenite ore was carried out using chlorine gas and coke as the chlorinating and reduction agents in a static bed reactor for the selective removal of iron. The effect of the amount of coke, the partial pressure of the chlorine gas and the reaction temperature were investigated. It was found that the iron removal ratio increased with the amount of coke, pC12 and temperature. As the chlorination reaction progresses, the number of pores in the particles are increased, and the reactant gas can penetrate through the pores. The rate equations of the gas-solid reaction were applied to examine the experimental data. It was confirmed that the rate controlling step changed at 1123 K. At 1123 K and above, the reaction rate was controlled by the chemical reaction, and below 1123 K, it was controlled by the rate of diffusion through the product layer. The activation energy controlled by the rate of diffusion through the product layer was calculated to be 193.18 kJ/mol below 1123 K. (Received October 1, 2018; Accepted January 21, 2019)
Key Words
ilmenite, selective chlorination, kinetics, activation energy, titanium dioxide
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