
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.57, No.6, 352 ~ 360, 2019
Visualization of Magnetic Domains in Electrical Steel Using High-Resolution Dark-Field Imaging
Youngju Kim , Jongyul Kim , Daniel Seth Hussey , Oh Youl Kwon , Seung Wook Lee
Electrical steel is a soft magnetic steel material used in electric devices such as transformers and motors. The performance of these electric devices is primarily related to the magnetic properties of electrical steel, and the assessment of the magnetic properties of electrical steel has been considered an important topic. We use neutron grating interferometry, which is an imaging technique for visualizing the magnetic domain of electrical steel as the evaluation of magnetic properties. The dark-field image provided by neutron grating interferometry shows a sensitive contrast with respect to the magnetic domain of electrical steel due to the small angle neutron scattering generated at the domain wall. The Talbot-Lau interferometer was installed, and the feasibility test of high-resolution dark-field imaging was conducted at cold neutron imaging beamline of the NIST Center for Neutron Research. The dark-field image of electrical steel was compared with the magnetic domain image observed by the Bitter pattern based on the magnetic powder method to prove the validity of neutron grating interferometry. The dark-field image visualizes the magnetic domains of electrical steel, more detailed domain walls regardless of laser-irradiated lines than Bitter pattern result. (Received January 25, 2019; Accepted April 22, 2019)
Key Words
magnetic materials, laser-irradiated electrical steel, magnetic properties, neutron diffraction/scattering, neutron imaging, grating interferometer
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