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Vol.61, No.6, 397 ~ 404, 2023
Changes in Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 17-4PH Stainless Steel according to the Application of Laser Rotation in the Powder Bed Fusion(PBF) Process
이승호 Seung-ho Lee , 윤종천 Jong-cheon Yoon , 어두림 Du-rim Eo , 연시모 Si-mo Yeon , 최균석 Kyun-suk Choi
17-4 precipitation hardened stainless steel (17-4PH SS) has been reported to have excellent mechanical properties and excellent corrosion resistance, and is one of the materials used and studied with the powder bed fusion (PBF) method. Powder bed fusion (PBF) is a new manufacturing technology that has recently attracted attention in automotive, aerospace and other industries because of its ability to produce complex geometries for high-strength and lightweight applications. In the PBF process, each layer has a different laser scan length resulting from the application of laser rotation. The laser rotation could affect the laser scan length, which causes a difference in the peak temperature and cooling rate of the deposited layer, resulting in microstructure changes. This work aims to investigate how varying the laser scan pattern in the PBF process affects the microstructure and mechanical properties of 17-4PH SS. A decrease in cooling rate was observed after applying laser scan rotation, resulting in a higher austenite phase fraction. It was confirmed that a transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) phenomenon affects mechanical characteristics. These results could be suggested for fabricating thin wall shaped such as tire blow mold parts in the powder bed fusion process using the 17-4PH SS. (Received 5 Decemmber, 2022; Accepted 17 Fabruary, 2023)
Key Words
powder bed fusion, 17-4 precipitation hardening stainless steel, laser scan rotation, retained austenite, transformation induced plasticity
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